Halu Oleo Management and Business Journal (HMBJ)

Articles must be in accordance with the focus and scope of the journal and have novelty. Articles must not be, and must not be in the process of being published in any media. Articles must be written in accordance with the following writing guidelines.

General Guidelines, Articles must be a maximum of 20 pages. Articles are typed in Microsoft Word format (.doc), A4 size (21 x 29.7 cm), 1 cm spacing using Times New Roman 11 pt, except for the article title 12 pt, capital letters). The left margin size is 2 cm, the right margin is 2 cm, the top margin is 2 cm, and the bottom margin is 2 cm. The article consists of several separate chapters and does not use subtitles except for the RESULTS section and the CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS section. The chapters are:

TITLE, written with several important words carefully, correctly, well, interestingly, and well-structured, and coherently. The title must be written with the Font type: Times New Roman 12 pt, Capital Letters, Bold, Center. The number of words in the title should not exceed 15 words.

Author, contains the name (without title) and the institution/company where the author works such as Department, University, City, Country, and includes an email for correspondence with the author. Written in Capital Letters for Each Word, 11 pt, bold, centered, Paragraph Before 6 pt

Abstract, contains a brief description of the research background, objectives, approaches or methods used, important results, and theoretical and managerial reinforcement. Does not include formulas and references. The abstract should not be more than 250 words with single spacing, Times New Roman font, size 11pt, justify. The keywords used must be a maximum of seven words that represent the contents of the article.

INTRODUCTION, The introductory section must provide theoretical arguments about the urgency of the variables being studied and their relationship to each dependent variable, phenomena in the research object, and the state of the art of research previously conducted on the same topic and gap analysis to show where the research contributes to the development of topic discourse (novelty). The introductory section can end with an explanation of the purpose or benefits of the research. This section is written without subtopics, justify, time new roman 11 pt, 1 space.

METHODS, This section sequentially contains an explanation of the type of research, research location, population and sampling techniques or informants, data collection methods, data analysis tools and techniques used, measurement indicators for each variable used complete with their sources, a study of the relationship between variables as a basis for drawing each research hypothesis, as well as a research conceptual framework. This section is written without subtopics, justify, time new roman 11 pt, 1 space.

RESULTS, Consists of two large parts, namely results and discussion without having to clearly separate the parts. The division of subsections into Results and Discussion should describe and follow the sequence of research objectives (for example subsections: characteristics of respondents, results of validity and reliability tests, results of hypothesis testing, subdiscussion of the influence of each relationship between variables, managerial implications). The results present empirical findings from the research conducted, while the discussion discusses the findings obtained. Discussion of findings not only presents the story behind the data, but also compares the results obtained with previous studies. Comparison with the results of other research also serves to show the position of the research conducted amidst discourse on relevant topics. In the final section, the managerial meaning of the results and discussions must be presented, especially for the business world. Overall results and discussion should be presented in a clear and concise manner, at least 50 percent of the total page.

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS, Conclusions can review the main points of research results, theoretical implications, and applicable recommendations. In this section, you should not just replicate the contents of the abstract as a conclusion. In this section you can use subsections (for example: Conclusions, Recommendations) written in 11 pt time new roman font, 1 space.

Acknowledgments (optional), containing a thank you to those who deserve (donors/sponsors), materials contributor, and research facilities

REFERENCES, The references used are listed alphabetically by author's name in the usual bibliography format. The references used must be in the last 10 years with 80% journal references, and the author must cite at least one article that has been published by HMBJ. Check each reference against the original source (author name, volume, publication, year, DOI number). Please use Reference Manager Applications such as EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero, etc. using the APA Style reference model. This section is written without subtopics, justify, time new roman 11 pt, spacing 1, paragraph before 6 pt. Examples of references are as follows:

Bichler, B. F., Pikkemaat, B., & Peters, M. (2020). Exploring the role of service quality, atmosphere and food for revisits in restaurants by using a e-mystery guest approach. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, 4(3), 351–369.

Czernyszewicz, E., & Wiśniewska, M. Z. (2024). Credibility of food processing companies in terms of food safety: perspective of Generation Z consumers. Central European Management Journal, 32(2), 320–335.

Gallarza-granizo, M. G., Ruiz-molina, M., & Schlosser, C. (2019). International Journal of Hospitality Management Customer value in Quick-Service Restaurants : A cross-cultural study. International Journal of Hospitality Management, February, 102351.